Motivity Communications is dedicated to offering agents the best support to give clients superior service. Richard of HCOMM Solutions has experienced the difference first-hand.
HCOMM Solutions, based in Springfield, Missouri, offers complete telecom services to help streamline any company’s communication efforts. In short, IT is their core competency. HCOMM Solutions not only helps businesses save money and navigate the ever-changing technological landscape, but they also give businesses the support and services they need to be highly competitive in their respective industries.
But how exactly does Richard have access to these superior options to help businesses thrive and see his own revenue as a telecom agent go up? Motivity Communications functions as Richard’s master agency channel, and facilitates the majority of his carrier sales to his customer base.
Richard and HCOMM Solutions’ relationship with Motivity Communications is a story of two organizations growing together. Both companies were launched at the same time. Having known co-founder Bill Leutzinger for years, Richard saw Motivity Communications as an ideal opportunity for partnership to fill his own needs as an agent, and his customers’ simple need for the best telecom services in the market — end of story.
Their working relationship moving forward has been nothing short of strategic and productive.
“I talk to Bill about five to ten times per week to get price points and solutions needed for my clients,” Richard explains. “He and the rest of the team at Motivity Communications have more experience in that field than I do, and they make sure we’re not taken advantage of. I do business with people I like, and when it comes to forging partnerships, it has to be more than just business. With Motivity Communications, that trust is there and makes for good synergy.”
From billing corrections to projects implementation issues and successes, Richard knows he can rely on the accessibility and superior knowledge of the Motivity Communications team. That kind of certainty and confidence in one’s master agency channel is just one part the Motivity Communications difference.
Come see for yourself the rest of the benefits of becoming a Motivity Communications agent.