Top 3 Benefits of a Business Continuity Plan

When trying to close a sale with any business, a common strategy is to focus on their primary concerns. These include price, support and other obvious upfront factors that are important to business owners and decision makers in any industry. However, to take it a step further and really commit to closing the sale and maintaining a solid business partnership, you have to anticipate future concerns. One factor that many businesses may not be dedicating much thought to initially is business continuity. Is their business prepared to withstand potential disasters?

Certain setbacks are inevitable. Businesses should not only consider disasters as a very possible occurrence, but approach it proactively. Telecom services are perfect for business continuity because they can help them feel confident that the right systems are in place. It can reassure business owners and decision makers that their customer base won’t miss a beat… or a call! 

Internal Confidence

Let potential customers know that the right telecom services serve to instill confidence in internal operations. That means that business owners and top decision makers can rest easy knowing that systems behind the scenes are working the way they should. Time is not wasted maneuvering difficult systems or recovering from downtime without a system in place. Potential customers should know that with superior telecom services and disaster recovery in place, they can spend more time working to grow the business!

Customer Relations

Not only does a business continuity plan help you appeal to potential customers, but it also helps those businesses better serve their own customer base. One of the perks of superior disaster recovery is that it shortens downtime and gets business back up and running as soon as possible. That means a strategy is in place to ensure customers are never disconnected. No calls will go unanswered and your business won’t miss a beat, as long as the right plan is in place!

Backup and Support

When it comes to a disaster recovery and business continuity plan, support is a cornerstone of its success. To really get things moving again in the event of a disaster, you need the support in place to facilitate the plan, and field any and all questions. As a highly knowledgable agent, you can instill confidence in a potential customer by representing that point of contact and giving them a preview of the kind of support they would experience. 

At the end of the day, when you can present a potential solution that a prospect hasn’t even thought of, you present yourself as an agent who knows their stuff. It’s all about building trust and keeping those doors open! With the Motivity team, you get access to the tools to be that well-informed agent. 

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